Cooler days, more knives, and the Jam..
I have got to enjoy a cooler past two weeks here in the shop, which has been very nice. Among the usual knives and forging of things, pepper season is here. So while I manage orders, I'll be switching gears a bit as I harvest from the garden of doom, begin to can the annual batches jam and dry peppers for the seasoning. Also, the shop has enjoyed some serious upgrades like the new work bench below. Actually we built about 23ft of new work bench area, built a wall around the grinders and a few more small things. It was almost a year ago that the shop begun and now, in all it's glory, I get to make a mess of it. I can't wait!
No. 100 - 103, post heat treat and temper.
Although this is No. 100, I'm working on finishing the others, as they are for orders, before I do this one. I want to get people who have been waiting on their knives, out the door, so I can really sit a focus on this one.
Made the trek up to Chandler, NC to visit Kanye & Son's for some supplies. The anvil shows the way.
While I was there I had the pleasure of getting to talk to Steve Kanye and attempt to absorb some of the decades of knowledge that man has. He took time to even show me his gallery which showcases those said decades of work. It was an amazing time.
I spent quite a bit of time looking at just about everything in there, even read some of the articles on the wall. I could spend an afternoon in that small building.
Every now and again, people show up to the shop and make stuff. David here, made the first B.O.C. Mod. II from 1/4" thick D2 during his visit.
Nothing like a good coke fire to get the blood pumping. I prefer this over coal, heck even to the propane forge. Although the ease of gas is nice, it just blows hot air all over the place. This makes the shop much more tolerable, as the heat is focused in a small area. Plus, its just plain cool.
Micro cannon. I've not posted the usual Friday videos, but as the leaves turn, I will get back in the habit. Restocked powder and wicks so we have plenty for a while.
Whitewater Falls in Cashiers, NC. We day tripped around the area. There is a great little road side gem mine in Shappire, NC. I HIGHLY recommend anyone with kids to take them there before the owner retires at the end of October.
The first of the striking anvils is in the shop. Thanks to the guys who helped with this project. Time to make some tools! Well, more and bigger tools.
The 2016 Booster blend is here! All killer and no filler like usual, using a blend of dried and pulverized super hot peppers. This year it includes: Carolina Reapers, Trinidad Butch T Scorpion, Moruga Scorpion, 7 Pot Primo Yellow, Bhut Jolokia White, Jay Peach Scorpion, Peter Pepper, Fatali, Black Naga, Choc. Trinidad Scorpions, Choc. Moruga Scorpions and 7 Pot Choc. Brain Strain.
Use it straight for maximum heat or cut it with your favorite rub for some added kick.
JG Knives Hot Pepper Booster Blend Seasoning
Smoked version will be available later in the fall.
Nothing like a small fire going outside the shop. I love the setting the shop is in.
First attempt at a Ham & Bean soup. You'd think in the south finding a ham hock would be easy. The kid at the supermarket told me to just use cubed ham. I about burned the place to the ground for suggesting such a thing. This was amazing. Froze the left overs for a fall/winter quick snack.
Found time to even wet a few lines. Fishing has been kinda slow, but I'm not giving up. Although, hunting season is rapidly approaching.
Even got the road bike out for a 10 mile ride this past Monday. The foothills make for a great, but grueling, ride. I like to just take the random roads, helps me get familiar with everything around here.
No. 105, A.R.K. Mod. IV. After posting pics of the Mod. III, an order came in for an even bigger one. 7" blade our of 1/4" thick D2. I'm going to need bigger oven here soon.
Jam season has arrived. I have added Pineapple to the bag this year and it is amazing. So for 2016 the flavors are Peach or Pineapple mixed with a selection of peppers that will vary from batch to batch.
No. 102 & 103 are done and off to their new owners.
No. 103, A.R.K. Mod. III WIP Thread
Well, that is it for this one. There are a few knives in stock on the online store, among other items. Check it out and thanks for your support as I continue along on this adventure of sparks and hot metal!