Jam and Peppers are done! New items and some forging!
The Garden of Doom is in full swing and peppers are coming along. This is a typical harvest every 2-3 days right now.
I've already sent a two shipments to the HATE project for the annual charity Dust. It's a blend of peppers and spices that are sold and the funds are donated to a charity of their choosing each season. This year the theme was super hot, so a good chunk of my Naga's, Butch T's and 7 Pots were donated. The garden is still working on the reapers, but the habanero's and others are being ground into my own pepper booster. It's 100% peppers, nothing extra, it's great for adding to any spice or rub you have to boost the heat.The jar of pain!
Jam is still available, although quickly running out. Peaches here are done, so what is done is done for 2015, I was able to make several varieties with the peppers that I had. Booster is available as well and should be till the end of the growing season. The first few runs are a bit more mild than the end of season, as a lot of the super hots are not dropping lots of peppers yet. Although it still packs a punch.
Order here: Hot Peppers Stuff at JGKnives.com
Another B.T.K. is in the works for a special order. This is the first knife I've started since the Tools to Make Tools class earlier this month. Will be finished in the acid etched rubbed finish w/ OD G1) scales.
This is what was to be a No Name Knife, but midway I got an idea and changed the blade shape a bit. Then I spilled some acid on it and was left with this mess of rust. I decided to clean it up and make a shop knife out of it. I am always looking for a knife in the shop to cut random things, so I figured this one would be a good candidate to beat on.
All cleaned up and ground. First chisel grind, will use this to beat on in the shop.
Been making a few more one off Cap Maulers. This one went as soon as it was done. Mauled texture and oil temper finish. Check the Cap Mauler page for more as I add them:
My neighbor made a better stand for my small propane forge this week as well. He's an alright guy and just stopped by one day and told me to get this out of his truck. It is much better than the barstool and fire bricks I had been using.
After taking a few minutes to drill some holes and bend some 1/2 stock a work rest was made and I was back to forging some fire-pit cookers.
Another run of them is done and most sold in a few minutes. I make these pretty often as folks keep ordering them up, especially since fall is coming and the cooler weather means more time around the firepit.
JG Knives & Tools Fire Pit (Squirrel Cookers)
The steel pile is growing.
My first crack at the bulldog since being home. Trying to repeat it from memory was harder than I thought, but as I keep making them they will get better and better I hope.
Using the slot punch to make the hole for the opener end.
Quality assurance testing in progress.
Bulldog style bottle openers at JGKnives.com
Punching holes is one thing that still is amazing to me. Especially when they are this clean.
Making a meat fork on the other end of the opener.
After splitting the end, the fun part of spreading and drawing the tapers for the fork begins.
My first completed meat fork/bottle opener. For popping tops and poking your steaks.
I'll be making this here and there I suppose along with some other "grilling" tools this fall.
JG Knives & Tools Bottle Opener Meat Fork
The fork.
The opener.
My humble work shop. All because of my family, friends, fellow makers/smiths and those who've supported me along the way.