No. 47, 49 and 50..

Lots has been happening in the shop despite the SC heat that is setting in for the summer. Been chipping away at the pile of blanks and finally reached the end of this run. No. 47 and No. 49...

 These two will be the few to be run off the 1X30 I bought quite a while ago.

Also the next run of steel came in and after spending a few weeks, well more than a few working on heat treat.. D2 will begin to be offered up on the next run.

The Wilmont grinder arrived will hopefully be up and running next week.

No. 47, a Kitchen Slicing Knife (K.S.K) in Dat'mascus is finished.

WIP Thread: No. 47, K.S.K.



No. 49, Original Gamez Knife (O.G.K.) is done as well.

WIP Thread: No. 49 O.G.K.



No. 50, which will be the No Name Knife for a Give-A-Way begins tomorrow.

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