May is moving along with knives and more.
May is in full swing, lots of things are going to be a happening all month long. Getting in the shop is happening more and more, so more is getting done for sure. The weather is still not scorching hot, but I feel that when June hits, the days will be much hotter, so I need to make the most of this Spring weather.
With all that said. I've got the NRA Annual Meetings to attend, then shoot up to Indiana for the 100th running of the 500, and then shoot back to Atlanta for Blade Show to start June. Lots happening and even more on the horizon.
Pepper Blends are restocked. Vials and tins are available. A mix of Fatali, Bhut Orange Copenhagen, Naga Morich, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Trinidad Butch T Scorpions, 7 Pot Brain Strain, 7 Pot Yellow, Habanero Peach, Habanero Pumpkin, Trinidad Sunrise Scorpions, Carolina Reapers, Chocolate Moruga Scorpions, Peter Peppers, Bhut Jolokia Smooth and Wrinkled for maximum heat. Homegrown and dried, sometimes smoked over applewood for a sweet flavor. Grab some here:
A batch of owl and horse openers are available again. These are fun to make. I am glad to have learned how to pound these out from some great teachers.
The next run of knives are happening. These are for orders currently. Hopefully I get an extra mixed in there for the store as well.
Warming up the oven for a long day of heat treating D2.
Fresh off the quench plates and out of the tool wrap, ready for tempering.
The shops is being invaded by Rens looking to make a next in any open box, nook or spot they can find.
Whoot! Tickets for the 100th running of the Indy 500 have arrived. The wife and I have gone for the last couple of years and this year will be a great time. Grabbed a few extras for some family as well.
My son, about to get destroyed at checkers. He had me a bad spot for most of the game, but in the end I got him. I feel it will only get harder and harder for me to get the upper hand on him as we keep playing, he's getting better each game.
No. 83, a S.W.K. It has been almost 40 knives since I have one of these, but I am liking how it is turning out this far.
WIP Thread Here: No. 83, S.W.K.
Bevels are ground, time for scales. About to be a lot of G10 dust around in the coming days.
First crack at a wall mount bottle opener. Took a lot of adjustment as each bend affected one of the others, so getting them all right was a bit of a pain. It works though. Time to refine the process and hammer a mess of these out in the coming weeks.
A batch of firepit cookers on the anvil, along with some openers. I'll be doing a video here soon on the cookers as I always get asked exactly what they are, although they are one of the most popular items I make.
Available here:
No. 84, Slicer. One of a pair I am doing for an order.
Fire pit sets are also being made. One for the shop's fire pit and one to sell. Will have these posted sometime next week.
No. 85, Slicer.
The shop on a a Friday generally starts with a fire getting going around 3pm and forging goes until we're tired or the beer is calling our names.
A neighbor stopped by and we talked shop for a bit, he worked on drawing some tapers and other basics to get the hand of the hammer.
Speaking of hammers, since I had a striker I thought it was time.
The start of the first hammer out of Water Oak Forge. It's been a few months since I've had the chance to make one. However, the new shop is here so it's time to make some tools. Started with a smaller one to get the flow down again and figure what tools are not where they are supposed to be since the move. Felt real good to beat a plug out though.