The hardwork begins, shop is done and knives to make!
Well, the shop has moved into the final steps towards being completed and I am back to making knives. Lots of other things happening as well, so lets get to it!
Available knife; No. 71, S.P.K. in D2 w/ Black Acacia Scales.
And I thought this would be hard work with a shovel, boy was I wrong, it was hard work with a tractor. Root city in that yard. About 160 ft of roots, rocks and red dirt. Not a bad time, but thankful for that scoop on that tractor.
Pepper season is here, doing a smaller garden this year, but will still have plenty to; donate to the HATE Project, make jam, and can some seasoning blends.
Hot Pepper Booster in both Tins/Vials and Applewood Smoked Flavor available here:
Are those lights? Finally, after 6-7 months, the power is on! The shop is nearing completion.
Well, time to forge something. Had this old file in the bucket and decided to beat it into something. Whatever it is made of is hard, doesn't move very easy. Had to bust out the 4.5# hammer for a bit.
Second attempt at a blade shaped object by forging. Again, lots learned. I am enjoying just trying stuff. I am sure it's taking longer than it should and I am wasting fuel, but I walk away each time wit more knowledge and understanding of what the hammer does to the metal with each blow every time.
Somewhat cleaned up. Gonna let it sit for a few days and then come back to it. But for my second try, I'll take it.
The bridge to the shop. This walk is a great one. Setting is perfect, well besides all the carpenter bees.
The building inspector stopped by and gave the final sign off on the shop. Welcome to Water Oak Forge, the new home of JG Knives & Tools. You can check out the entire adventure here:
The family and I spend past weekend in Hendersonville, NC at the Elijah Gem Mine for my son's birthday. Pretty cool place with all sorts of old timey stuff on the walls. This gem was my favorite.
Quick snap of the Wildcat Wayside Falls in Cleveland, SC.
More horse openers being made. Greatly improved the shape on these from my first one. I try to keep a few in stock on the site, but they are made to order as well.
The shop fire pit is already a popular spot for late evenings.
Damascus Cap Maulers and B.O.C. Mod. II's are available. Great to scraping and prying. I love opening boxes with them and all out destroying bottle caps when opening your capped beverage of choice.
With the weather warming up, keep a opener close by. Hand forged in a variety of styles.
No. 81 is the first knife to come out of the new shop! A B.T.K. in O1 for an order.
WIP Thread Here: No. 81, B.T.K.
No. 82, a slicer is up next. It's nice to be back to things at a normal pace. Thanks again for all your support!