The shop is alive, well sort of, but knives are being made and stuff forged!
I am glad to say, that the new shop is alive. I am still trying to figure the logistics out of running power down there, but for now I just have to make do and get some work done. I've got my generator down there to power a few tools as I need them, till we get a line run down.
The propane forge is back to burning. My old burner was pretty crude, but worked for as I saved some funds up for a real nice one and it burns much, much better.
Also got the the sign I my in-laws gave me for Christmas hung outside the forge area. Still need to get the trim done, but for now I am just glad to be back to forging.
This owl opener is the first item out of the new shop. I saw a partially finished one in Lyle Wynn's shop when I took a class there and loved it and thought I try to make it as well. If you want one, I've got them listed here:
I felt since I got some work done to treat myself to a lil' dinner. Filet, grilled bread and some green stuff and a nice hoppy brew.
Another run around the top of Glassy Mountain. It's like 5-7 minutes from the house, so I run/ruck/hike it often.
The owl is fending off the Hate Pig.
Lugging all the tools down was no fun at all, but more progress on getting things set up in the new shop is nice. This project has taken quite some time, but in the end, seeing come together is nothing short of awesome.
The forge area already has a "worked in" look.
Forged a set of these for a good friend. I made a few extras of each and they can be found on the tools page here:
First attempt at forging a blade shaped object. Taking lots of notes as I go.I am hoping to take a "Intro to Bladesmithing Class" later this year with my friend Jason Knight, but I had an itch and needed to scratch it.
For the most part I am happy with it, learned a lot, have even more questions now. I ordered some 5160 to do some real knives with, but this will open the heck out of some letters for someone here soon.
Need to grind a bevel and clean it up a bit, but I'll take it for a first attempt so far.
I've got some of my buddies "NoBro" patches still available. Order here:
Over the weekend the family and I have begun our yearly treks to National Battlefield. This year we started with Ninety Six, which was the first land battle of the American Revolution to take place in the south. A loyalist stronghold that some Patriots wanted to take back. It is a cool site and I suggest if you get a chance to check it out.
A few from where Greene's patriots began there siege on the Star Fort at Ninety Six.
I am still heat treating knives.. I got two done for this batch, a B.T.K. and Slicer in O1.
No. 81, Slicer in O1.
No. 82, B.T.K. in O1
Running power to the shop has been a headache. I've had more than a few electricians come out and either they come do a quote and never hear back or they don't want to do it because of the woods and the hassle the trench to bury the line would be. However my neighbor who has helped with this the whole way, has a tractor and a backhoe.. So power is making it to this shop in the next few days.
The last of the Super Hot Pepper Seasoning is up and available. I'm getting ready to put the plants in for 2016, so after this batch is gone, we won't see more till late summer. Jam season should follow around then as well.
I've got the Booster Blend in tins and vials. Vials are now offered in a 2 pack to maximize shipping. Also have the Applewood Smoked blend in tins as well. Order here:
Horse head style openers are now available. I banged this one out tonight and will refine them a bit, but that are available here: