Knives, shop build and some adventuring.

Knives, shop build and some adventuring.

It feels good to be back. With all the chaos from Shot Show and just getting situated after the new year, finding time to get in the shop has been scarce. Although with the weather turning and it being more enjoyable to be outside, I figured it was time to dust the blog off and make some stuff. Also adding in some of the hiking and other things I've been up to as well.


No. 80, a L.U.K. begins. This one is in D2.

The shop has steadily been getting some work done, it's about time to move the tools. Here is the link to the page on the entire process so far. SHOP BUILD PAGE

Another quick trip to Tennessee. I love the mountain views along the way.

My St. Patty's meal.

Took a day to go hike out to Ravens Cliff Falls, excellent hike. Only made it to the observation deck, but hoping to make it back and do the full loop here soon.

It ending up being more of a trail run, but still was a great time.

Our dog has taken up his spot down at the new shop. He enjoys looking at all the woodland critters and thinking about chasing and probably eating them.

Got a little reading in as well. I haven't sat and read in years, so this was a welcomed change. Shop porch makes an excellent space to do so and enjoy it.

View from Glassy Mountain in Pickens County, SC. There is a fun 1.1 mile trail there I run often.

Tools are offically in the forge area! Need some pipe to get the coal forge up, but the propane will be fired up one the new burner arrives.

I signed up for the GoRuck in Greenville, so I got some training to do.

Glassy Mountain again, from the other side.

Well the old work area in the garage is slowly being torn apart, as I continue to move the tools down into the woods.

I run on the Doodle trail that connects Pickens and Easley SC, and it is littered with all sorts of old cool railroad and farm tools. Neat place to run or ride.

Doodle Trail looking back towards Pickens at sunset.

This L.U.K. is ready for a sheath and sharpen. I really love the subtle "grain" that comes out of the D2 when etched.

New burner! Whoot! Time to forge some stuff!

Also, new road bike... Time to go ride it.

It's warming up here pretty quick and getting out by the firepit again has been nice. The cookers are still coming in handy. I keep making them and try to keep a few available at all times in the summer. Order yours here:

Well this one is done and off to a new home.

No. 80, L.U.K. in D2. WIP Thread Here


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