Post Shot Show knives in progress, Colds and OTC Meds.
Last week I was out in Vegas for the 2016 NSSF Shot Show. Instead of wondering around aimlessly, I was held up at the DDIArms.com booth, doing my best to peddle some AK's. It was a different experience for sure. I still managed to have a good time and look forward to next year, although I glad to be home and back in the shop.
Nothing like flight/airport beers. Thomas Creek Brewery IPA in Greenville/Spartanburg Airport.
Grabbed a Sam Adams in Charlotte, NC.
Day 1 of Shot Show, I had two people who knew I lived on Oahu at one time, stop by and say hello. They also brought me some goodies. Humbled I was.
Made it to the Rifle Dynamics annual open house that happens at shot. Ran into two of my favorite people and managed to make the most awkward face I could for the photo. Jack of Ballistic Radio and Jeff from Armed Dynamics!
Rode an elevator with RCS and got to see their new packaging and displays. Upping the holster game for sure.
Paris Hotel and Casino beverages before dinner. My travel drink is a Gin & Tonic.
When you gotta gamble, you got to gamble. Considering how expensive cabs are, I need to get one these next time I go back.
Medford Knives booth at shot show, checking out the new mid-size and micro knives. I like them very much.
Flight home entertainment. Aliens, Bombay and Canada Dry..
First thing I founds when I got home was a restock of G10.
Also the box of sanding belts I ordered back on 12/23, Phoenix abrasives gets no points for speedy delivery. Granted I paid for them on 1/4, they still didn't arrive till the 1/22...
No. 76, is getting some scales.
No. 76, Damascus No Name Knife WIP Thread
Epoxied on and ready for shaping.
No. 75 is sitting in blue G10 w/ tubes.
No. 75, Damascus S.P.K. WIP Thread
Keeping myself on those OTC's dealing with the Vegas crud I brought back.
Two down, one in the vise and one to go..
No. 78, getting squeezed while the epoxy sets so the Dark Earth G10 stays put.
Two ready for contouring of the scales.
Looking pretty good, the Koa has some curls showing through at 80 grit, so I am sure they will pop at 400.
This one is a raindrop damascus pattern waiting to be found, gonna put it in black G10.
Hot pepper shot!
How I am leaving the bench tonight. Two curing, so tomorrow will be a lot of shaping and sanding.